Solid surface production and machinery

Both the machinery and the production process will be conditioned by the dimension of your solid surface project. Depending on the planned production we will have to opt for solid surface equipment in continuous or by custom production lines. In either case, the bases of the manufacturing process are practically identical. Further on we show you the most important aspects that characterize the production of solid surface and other similar polymeric composites.

Solid surface production process

Solid surface manufacturing requires a very clean working environment and a constant temperature according to our formulation. Cleaning the work environment is a basic requirement. Any polluting particle can be added to the mixture and contaminate the molded part surface. The process of producing polymer composites “solid surface” consists of the following phases:
  • addition of basic raw materials (resin, mineral fillers, pigment pastes and if any additives) for subsequent mixing in the chosen agitation system. It is advisable that the stirring speed is adjustable to ensure a good dispersion of the mixture. This way we will achieve a homogeneous and perfectly pigmented mass.
  • degasification of the pigmented mixture. In this way, we will avoid the appearance of pores on the molded parts surface.
  • Proceed to fill the mold with the degassed mixture using the chosen injection system. It is recommended to add the catalyst just before the injection of the mixture into the mold. The mold will be clean and treated previously with the appropriate release agent.
  • after curing the parts will be demolded
  • to avoid further tensions in the solid surface parts, it is advisable to make a proper post-curing process.
  • at the end, surface finishing works and packing the manufactured pieces will be carried out.
Much of the success in achieving a high quality solid surface part is in the control of the catalyzing process. In no case will we allow the catalyst to begin before the complete filling of the mold.

Solid surface production machinery

Depending on our production forecasts, we will have to opt for one type of machinery or another. We currently have two types of technology for the production of solid surface and last generation polymer composites:
  •  continuous production.  They are designed for large productions. On the one hand, its high cost makes its amortization only meaningful in the case of large productions.On the other hand, they are designed for the production of large series of the same product. A large part of the production process is automated so it allows to considerably reduce the labor required.
  • The small production customized lines. Although they do not allow to produce the large quantities that ensure the machines of continuous, they have the advantage that they allow us to change quickly the productive profile. They are especially indicated for companies:
    • that want to get into solid surface and polymer composites market
    • with medium-sized productions
    • with a wide variety of product that necessitates rapid changes in production
Customized production line control panel


The machinery to be chosen in the production of solid surface and other polymeric composites will be very determined by the dimension of the project. In most cases, custom manufacturing lines are the best choice. They alow us to adjust the machines to the variations in the production and to modify the type of product quickly. As far as the production process is concerned, much of the success on solid surfaces is based on getting a control over the catalyst by keeping the working temperature stable. Thanks to our close cooperation with strategic partners we can offer our clients technical advice and assistance for the implementation and development of SOLID SURFACE and last generation COMPOSITES projects. We have participated in numerous projects of this type. We have a technical department specializing in this field at the disposal of our customers. If you are interested in knowing all about solid surface, we recommend you read our extensive article dedicated to this topic.